

I'd like to address an issue that has recently been in the news; namely, the extinction of various species of wildlife. As some of you may know, the Caribbean Monk Seal was recently declared extinct. I would really think that humanity as a whole had grown enough of a conscience for the world surrounding us that we'd actively stive to not kill off other species on this planet. I think that it's absolutely pathetic that we're unable to control, or at least influence, such things so that they don't happen.

Dry humor for the day- well, I don't have anything, except that if I follow the vein of this rant, it brings me back to one of my most intense and primal fears- spiders- and leads me to ask, "Why couldn't the Huntsman spider be the next name on the roster of extinctions?" Twenty pounds of hairy, man-eating death... that does pose a threat to humanity... and we can't kill IT off?! But we wipe out something that's completely defenseless? What's the deal?

That's two cents from the BrainBox.

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